Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Lost Boys

My character that i chose to write about is Santino. He experiences some difficulties as a Sudanese migrant. Also as he is used to the culture there, there is some conflict that is going on due to getting use to America. Also Santino faces some difficulties in to get use to how they work, how he will get his own life there, and other. Also culture and people there are very different as well as the work that he has to do. Before when he was in the camp, he just had to take care of his own, play basketball or soccer, and just live there having fun. But America, which he thought of as heaven, did not seem to be what he thought. He had hard works to do, couldn't get a lot of friends there, and it seemed like he was having some difficulties with his people back in the camp. He had some pressure to send them back money. Also he was driving car before earning the license which caused a bit of problem. Santino also wanted to be as free as peter to go to school and get educated. Some culture difference that i saw was when Santino was usually playing basketball. Also the dancing and celebrating of them were very different from the people in America.

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