Sunday, March 28, 2010

band blog assignment 2

How did you feel when the end of the story was not given to you?
When the end was not given to me, i was desperate to find out what was going to be at the end. The story that we read made me predict and wanted to find out the end. I also felt in tension as the mystery of the black spot had made me become very curious.

How did you feel about the black box and the black spot/blank paper? Explain.
The black spot and the box made me feel in tension as i thought it was going to be something very serious. Also as in the story they slowed down when they picked it. The family who picked the spotted paper was in anger and despair. When the other people picked a blank paper, they felt relieved. The following reasons are why i felt in tension.

why did the author leave these voids in the story?
I think the author left a void in the story to make sure he hooks in the reader. As reaching the climax, he put a momentum that built up to a climax. The momentum was the description when he came up to pick the paper.

Band blog post

The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly (silence) successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I put the silence before giving what the students will be like as it builds up most momentum, as it is close to the ending and it is my personally best place to fit the void in it and it captures audience. Also adding the silence in the place just before main idea so that the audience wants to know what important things they want you to have.

One way a composer can put a void in the place where the momentum builds up and just before the melody starts, make some tension and a void after it to capture more audience into the piece and for them to think “I want to see what happens next.” Another way how a composer can build up a tension and release between the audiences is putting a sudden craziness of sound to confuse the audience. The release would be starting to play the right song from the musicians one by one.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Lost Boys

My character that i chose to write about is Santino. He experiences some difficulties as a Sudanese migrant. Also as he is used to the culture there, there is some conflict that is going on due to getting use to America. Also Santino faces some difficulties in to get use to how they work, how he will get his own life there, and other. Also culture and people there are very different as well as the work that he has to do. Before when he was in the camp, he just had to take care of his own, play basketball or soccer, and just live there having fun. But America, which he thought of as heaven, did not seem to be what he thought. He had hard works to do, couldn't get a lot of friends there, and it seemed like he was having some difficulties with his people back in the camp. He had some pressure to send them back money. Also he was driving car before earning the license which caused a bit of problem. Santino also wanted to be as free as peter to go to school and get educated. Some culture difference that i saw was when Santino was usually playing basketball. Also the dancing and celebrating of them were very different from the people in America.