Sunday, November 22, 2009

School of Athens - Raphael

The claim that art is the mirror of the society is true. But how can it be? You can figure out that the art is a mirror of the society just by looking at the color used, what techniques used and what it is depicting of or what is drawn in the painting. For example, you can figure out when the school of Athens was drawn by looking what is drawn. You can see people with clothes that are not very modern, as well as some famous nobles. The art can draw about any time but, what is painted can tell when it was drawn. This picture use some techniques that were not used during the middle ages, telling it could be a renaissance drawing. This reflect the society by showing how they were, what materials they used and so on.
If I could be one of the person in the drawing of school of Athens, I would defiantly be the person in the middle bottom of the drawing. This lazy person lying on the desk would describe me because to be frank, I am a lazy type of person and sleep a lot. This also describes me in a way that I am suppose to be one task but instead I am wondering around.

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